10 Wrestlers And Their Biggest Fears

8. Randy Orton And Arachnophobia

Undertaker Cucumber

Given that Randy Orton's built a career stalking his opponents like a snake, one might assume The Viper considers anything that slithers and crawls his beastly brethren. Yet it turns out Mr. RKO himself holds a fear common to many of his friends and foes alike: arachnophobia. Spider outta nowhere? No, thanks! Apparently one creepy-crawly isn't as good as the next in The Viper's world. Well, when you're a 13-time world champion, I suppose you can afford to set a few boundaries.

Orton's even gone so far as referring to spiders as his "worst enemies," perennially waging a mental Iron Man match for control of his stress response. Voices indeed. And while that may sound like an overreaction, there are a few species of spiders known for turning snakes into the slimiest breakfast burritos this side of the Rio Grande. How's that to whet your appetite?

Of course, knowing this personal detail about The Viper sheds a sinister light on his already bizarre WrestleMania 33 match with then-WWE Champion Bray Wyatt. Although spiders aren't directly adjacent to everything that goes bump in the night, it still seems callous of WWE to subject someone with arachnophobia to a series of disgusting ring projections featuring insects and bug larvae. Granted, subjecting anyone to that monstrosity of a match was bad enough, but surely we're all deserving of a safe work environment, Viper or not.


Private investigator and writer based in Vancouver, Canada. Fond of history, professional wrestling, and rock hubris. Once co-directed a Star Trek fan film with a budget of less than $200.