10 Wrestlers At Risk Of Missing Out On The WrestleMania 38 Card

6. Omos

Cesaro WWE

Vince McMahon has a history of prizing an oversized body over technical ability. Just look at Giant González or The Great Khali. That said, Omos is severely limited, sluggish and greener than goosesh*t. Plus the general in-ring standard of the roster has improved somewhat since “The Punjabi Playboy’s” heyday.

Six months ago Omos seemed like a shoe-in to be a highlight of either night’s 'Mania card, but the monster has been badly exposed since then. Who can you pair Omos with to deliver a performance worthy of the Showcase of the Immortals? If AJ Styles can’t carry you to a good match you know you’re in trouble, and since their tandem dissolved the bloom is off the giant rose.

So Vince can fly Omos out to Texas and he’s sure to pass the famous airport test, but what do you do with him once he’s there? It’s not outside the bounds of possibility that WWE let Omos win the Andre this year, but outside of that they just don’t seem to have a solid direction for the big man.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.