It will come as no great surprise to most that John Cena tops this chart and with a clear margin of three reigns. Love him or loathe him, he has been the main face of the WWE for close to a decade, and with that comes a lot of titles. In fact, the company have placed so much faith in Cena, that he has been involved in the WWE title match an astonishing seven times at WrestleMania since 2005. Not only has The Champ held the belt more frequently than anyone else, he has also had the longest reign within the last twenty five years at a staggering 380 days. At the time many fans were irritated by the Super Cena character, leading to a mixed reception for the wrestler; a crowd response the wrestler still receives to this day and has embraced. However, that extensive title run would prove essential in establishing Cena as the WWEs leading man. With the recent departure of Stone Cold and The Rock, there was a gaping hole in the company that needed filling. Cena was the chosen one and considering his continuous success, it would be hard to argue with that decision. If you enjoyed the list and would like instant updates of future articles follow my Twitter page @Dragonstravel.
A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at