10 Wrestlers That Have Held The WWE Title The Most Times

2. Randy Orton (8)

Believe it or not, Randy Orton has held the WWE title more times than Ric Flair, The Ultimate Warrior, Shawn Michaels and Eddie Guerrero combined. Read that again, close your jaw, Google it and then come back to the article. Still surprised? Yep, it really is a pretty astonishing statistic. However, The Ultimate Warrior€™s 293 days spent with the title probably merits more praise than Orton€™s first championship reign, which lasted less than an hour. Orton was selected champion by Vince McMahon after Cena vacated the title due to injury; The Apex Predator would defend and lose the belt to Triple H that very night; before beating him in a rematch to close the PPV. Giving Orton two title reigns within one evening. Orton€™s most recent run ended at this year€™s WrestleMania at the hands of current champion Daniel Bryan; though you were probably still in too much shock to notice. During the title exchange, there is a high probability that you were on the phone to every wrestling fan you know, asking if The Undertaker really just lost his twenty one match winning streak to a part timer. Unlike many of the wrestlers already mentioned, there is a high probability that Orton€™s total will only get bigger as the years go on.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.