10 Wrestlers In WWE Who Are Dating The Competition

5. Chelsea Green (NXT) & Matt Cardona (AEW)

Chelsea Green Zack Ryder

Chelsea Green and Matt Cardona can now be added to the list of inter-promotional romances, after WWE released Cardona, a 14 year veteran, this April. He signed with AEW in July, helping his real-life best friend Cody and Arn Anderson from getting beat down by The Dark Order. It used to be the other way around, with Matt/Zack working for WWE and Chelsea working for IMPACT!.

Cardona has told how Cody and Brandi Rhodes were the ones to introduce the two in January 2017:

"I'm like, I don't want to date a wrestler. Been there, done that, doesn't work out. No way. And then they said, 'She likes Disney.' Oh, she likes Disney. Okay. So, I did the typical slide into the DMs and I think the first thing was, you like Disney. We went on a date, like two weeks later. She tried avoiding me but I finally got through."

Chelsea Green was signed by WWE in 2018, with her highlighting Matt for helping her acclimate to her new home. She said:

"He has been amazing. He knew I really struggled to get to NXT and to be part of this WWE family. He was with me a year and a half before I was even considered a part of NXT. It has been really great to have him there to support me. I’m very happy to have him. I want to do him proud as well. He is always so supportive of me. There is nothing I’m going through that he hasn’t been through."

Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.