10 Wrestlers Legitimately More Unhinged Than Dean Ambrose
5. Bruiser Brody

The tragic Bruiser Brody's end wasn't entirely surprising, given the countless enemies he made during his lifetime. Intense and iconoclastic, he was a man, and there's no other way of articulating his attitude, who simply didn't give a f*ck. If he disagreed with a payout, he would simply leave the building before bell time.
Notoriously erratic and vested with the creative control he commanded as a result of his immense drawing power in both the west and the east, Brody would often change the finish of a match while it was in progress, shooting on opponents who tried to stick to the script.
The most infamous tale surrounding Brody, aside from his murder, is his complete no-selling of Lex Luger's offence in a steel catch match on a 1987 Championship Wrestling in Florida card. Standing in the ring but not particularly present, Brody barely reacted to Luger's punches - before proceeding to ignore them entirely.
A terrified Luger, fully aware of Brody's hard-nut reputation, orchestrated a disqualification finish by throwing referee Bill Alfonso to the ground. Luger scrambled up and out of the cage, and didn't even stop by the back to pick up his gear before getting the hell out of there.
That nobody is entirely sure what motivated Brody on that night is testament to the powerful mystique his instability created.