10 Wrestlers Legitimately More Unhinged Than Dean Ambrose
4. Sid
The line between unhinged and plain stupid is a thin one Sid has constantly found himself betwixt.
Stupid enough to slate Ric Flair in the vicinity of his close friend and the legitimately tough Arn Anderson, Sid was also crazy enough to go back for seconds after the initial tussle was separated by their fellow wrestlers. Learning his lesson from a separate altercation with Brian Pillman in 1991, Sid eschewed the squeegee and instead proceeded to maim Arn with a chair leg.
Arn, who on this evidence was just as nuts, set about Sid with a pair of scissors, which eventually fell into his opponent's hands. Arn ended up with twenty stab wounds, so it's clear that the red mist descended as readily as the blood which stained the hallway in that beleaguered German hotel.
Sid was also crazed enough to attempt a top rope big boot at WCW Sin in 2001. Under pressure to expand his repertoire and deliver a high spot in a futile attempt to steal buzz away from the WWF Attitude Era juggernaut, Sid's fibula snapped clean in two upon impact in one of wrestling's most gruesome ever injuries.