10 Wrestlers Legitimately More Unhinged Than Dean Ambrose
3. Ric Flair
Ric Flair is a man who could out-party anybody. Famously the last man at the bar, he'd even go as far as to buy drinks for complete strangers in an effort to maintain his 24 hour blowout lifestyle.
Famed also for undressing in and out of the ring, Ric lived his gimmick to the full. It's often said that the greatest wrestling characters are extensions of those who portray them, but in the case of Ric, he was on at all times. Somewhat sadly, given his age, he still is.
According to Matthew Randazzo V's Ring of Hell: The Story of Chris Benoit and the Fall of the Pro Wrestling Industry, Flair was purported to have once lifted up the skirt of an air stewardess, who, when outraged, was told by Flair that he 'was just checking. You know what they say: no hair, no Flair! Whooo!'.
More recently, he was found slumped in an airport bar, too 'tired and emotional' to get up on his own accord. In a further embarrassment to WWE top brass, he recently told Natalya that she should 'die' in a promo which was mercifully cut on the pre-taped SmackDown.
Flair seems impervious to life's two constants - death and taxes - continuing to fritter away what's left of his fortune despite being in deep financial trouble.