10 WWE Wrestlers Who Were Never The Same After Returning From Injury

Great careers defeated by injury.

Injuries are a fact of life for professional wrestlers. In a sport deemed "phony" by outsiders, the business has seen some of the most dynamic, most entertaining performers, go down to various different breaks and tears. Despite how much criticism the industry receives for its pre-written storylines and predetermined outcomes, the fact is that danger is always looming around the corner. This is actually not very obvious to those that do not follow pro wrestling. For them, a guy getting dropped on his back is not a big deal because the ring "bounces back." Taking a punch is also not a cause for concern as the men involved are not really hitting each other. Of course, those non-fans would have no way of knowing the amount of trauma a ring has on a man's body or the impact that is felt when a guy works stiff in a match. The fact is that the potential to be seriously hurt is always there and it's something that has to be faced by practically everyone in the business at some point in their careers. However, what happens after an injury is the real issue for pro wrestlers. The heart it takes to work through the day-to-day physical pain is one thing; the ability to not only suffer through an injury but to overcome it is something else altogether. For some workers, recovering from injury is no guarantee of future success and often leads to shortened careers afterward. The following is a list of 10 wrestlers that were just never the same after getting back in the ring.
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Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog http://tomclarkbr.wix.com/blog tomclarksmainevent.libsyn.com