10 Wrestlers Plagued By Their On-Screen Self

7. Prince Albert

Sasha Banks

Most wrestlers adopt questionable gimmicks in the early days of their career. Thankfully, these oddities run their course in the indies with only anecdotal evidence of their existence. Matt Bloom, though, experienced a string of cringe-worthy characters on WWE’s mainstage.

He debuted as the personal body artist of Droz under the moniker Prince Albert – named in honour of a penis piercing. Bloom dropped the “Prince” and found some success in T&A, albeit in a team named after the assets of their manager Trish Stratus. After a non-starter repackaging as a member of X-Factor, a stint as Scotty 2 Hotty’s ally 'The Hip-Hop Hippo' capped off this bizarre rollcall of gimmicks.

Under the tutelage of Paul Heyman as A-Train, he was a serviceable mid-carder, but is best remembered for inciting “Shave Your Back” chants. On 1 November 2004, while out with a torn rotator cuff, Bloom was released by WWE.

After proving his worth in Japan as Giant Bernard, he reignited the interest of WWE. Bloom debuted on the post-WrestleMania XXVIII episode of Raw as Lord Tensai, a schlocky amalgamation of Japanese warrior cliches. His every appearance was peppered by Albert-themed jeers, handicapping his big comeback. His booking diverged from a winning streak to dancing in lingerie.

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Sasha Banks
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.