10 Wrestlers Plagued By Their On-Screen Self

8. Jake Roberts

Sasha Banks

Jake Roberts is one of professional wrestling’s most intriguing individuals. Out of the ring, he is a charismatic man with a wealth of stories to tell. Inside the squared circle, he is a gripping malicious and Machiavellian mastermind whose darkness pulls you in whether you want to get that close or not.

It has been well documented that Roberts channelled his real-life turmoil into the character.

In his gimmick, Roberts used the darker side of himself to fuel his art. However, he disclosed one occasion when simply being a WWE superstar caused him deep personal anguish. His popularity in the child-friendly WWE of the ‘80s made him a candidate for their “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign. When a poster resurfaced, Roberts commented:

“Honestly, I felt nasty doing that poster, but you do what you’re told sometimes. I was using at the time and my drug use had started as far back as the ‘70s. I started drinking when I was 11 and had my first joint when I was 18.”

Roberts during his wrestling career was using alcohol, weed, and occasionally speed to cope with the demands of the role and to escape his past trauma. On his drug use, he said:

“I liked all that stuff, but it no longer became a choice to do it. It was a necessity. I was in a bad mood and underproductive and wouldn’t, couldn’t get up off the couch unless I had something to drink.”

Fortunately, with the help of Diamond Dallas Page (and a whole lot of work on his part) he has turned his life from a cautionary tale to a source of inspiration.

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Sasha Banks
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.