10 Wrestlers Promoters Were Afraid Of
3. Bret Hart

The Montreal Screwjob was characterised by cowardice as much as it was misplaced pride. In the broadest strokes, Bret Hart was too proud to drop the WWE Championship to Shawn Michaels in Canada; Vince McMahon was too cowardly to trust him to do the honours otherwise.
The Hitman's pride was damaged worst by McMahon's ultimate act of cowardice on the night of Survivor Series, and as reparation he ventured to damage his face. WWE's chairman, fearing the retribution owed him, again turned yellow, fleeing backstage and locking himself in an office with lieutenants Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco.
It was only a temporary reprieve. Under orders from The Undertaker - one of his most trusted backstage enforcers - McMahon eventually opened the door to Hart, only to walk right into his fist. Bret landed such a firm blow that McMahon sprained his ankle recoiling from it. He was right to be afraid.