10 Wrestlers Struggling To Prove Their Worth To WWE

1. The Big Show

On the most recent episode of WWE Smackdown, The Big Show once again switched alignment and appeared as a babyface. Just weeks ago, he was acting the braggart heel, soaking up boos and telling everyone that he was going to win the Royal Rumble. What changed, and why hasn't there been any indication as to why people are now expected to cheer him? Big Show switches between babyface and heel (and vice versa) with such regularity that it's long since become difficult to really invest emotionally into each turn. There needs to be more thought put into things like turns, because they're supposed to be impactful and lead to fans caring more about the men and women presented on television. In the case of Show, his turns happen without anyone blinking an eye. That's not a positive, it's an overwhelming negative. Some have suggested that WWE are close to retiring the giant, and simply didn't want him to depart as a bad guy. If that's the case, explain this in a way that fits your televised environment, instead of just pulling the trigger constantly without aiming at anything.
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Big Show
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.