10 Wrestlers That Are Causing A Scottish Revolution

8. Carmel Jacob

Drew Galloway

As aforementioned, women's wrestling has rarely been overlooked in Scotland. Much of that success has to do with the groundwork set by performers like Carmel Jacob and Kay Lee Ray. Working together often, Carmel and Ray matched up well in bouts like the first ever Female Death Match in the history of the country.

ICW was the host company for such matches, ones that proved there was something special happening in Scotland. Since then, Carmel has gone from strength to strength, only further improving between the ropes. If anyone deserves some attention from promotions like TNA and WWE, it's the Edinburgh native.

Crucially, Carmel cuts one of the best promos in the country. Her well-spoken nature pulls the wool over the eyes of many who believe her to be a sweetheart. There's a reason Carmel was once dubbed the 'Pipebomb Princess' in ICW; she's able to cut through opponents verbally like few others around.

Enunciating her words perfectly, Carmel really sells the story she's asked when on the microphone and excels inside the ring. She must be considered a success story waiting to happen.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.