10 Wrestlers That Stole Others Wrestler's Masks
9. Chris Jericho (Rey Mysterio)

A fantastic match with an even better finish, Chris Jericho pulling off Rey Mysterio's mask at the climax of their Intercontinental Championship battle at Extreme Rules 2009 saw 'Y2J' find one of the few remaining cheat codes that still worked against the 'Biggest Little Man'.
A bit of a lost classic thanks to the rarely revisited time period, the Jericho/Mysterio feud offered up a couple of choice cuts that - all together now - served to try and restore the prestige of the Intercontinental Title.
That belt has been abused beyond saving, but it didn't stop the pair going at it as if they were Perfect, Hart or Michaels nearly two decades earlier. Rarely had the multi-pay-per-view feud formula been so well received, particularly when Jericho exposed Mysterio's face mid-619 in an intricate spot they couldn't afford to fudge.
Mask and belt secured, moment made. If the whole feud was a celebration of the distilled art of simply excellent professional wrestling, this particular conclusion toasted the Sports Entertainment sh*thouse. He'd take the same tricks elsewhere too...