10 Wrestlers That WWE Are Failing Right Now

2. Matt Riddle

Matt Riddle

Imagine WWE had signed ex-UFC Light Heavyweight Champ Jon Jones several years ago and introduced him via some lengthy promo about frostbitten feet. The world would stop rotating, the polar ice caps would melt overnight and everyone would wonder why such a credible fighter was being stripped of his edge.

Matt Riddle wasn't nearly as big-time a fighter as Jones, but most who care to do a quick Google search can see that he's a handy sort. Anyone who tuned into NXT would've been told all about his real-fight history too, so why did WWE think some outlandish yarn about cold tootsies was going to cut it when he jumped to SmackDown?

Also, who had the bright idea of following that turd up with this directionless, half-arsed 'King's Ransom' feud with Baron Corbin? These guys could rightly demand a meeting with SmackDown's writing staff and ask if they even want either man to succeed.

Riddle, in particular, needs hard-hitting matches. He defo doesn't need far-fetched frostbite.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.