10 Wrestlers The Fans Did A Complete 180 On
1. John Cena

It feels appropriate to bookend this list with Hulk Hogan and the man who spent years being derided as his modern-day counterpart.
It's true that there are parallels to be made between the two. Both were undoubtedly the WWE's golden geese during their respective primes; both were all-American faces who pandered to the crowd; both came under fire for relying on the same template in all their big matches (get beaten up, stop selling, hit signature moves, win); and both caused huge fan backlash for using their political stroke to win matches they really shouldn't have (Hogan stealing Bret Hart's thunder at WrestleMania IX, Cena single-handedly derailing the once-promising Nexus at SummerSlam 2010).
Having said that, Cena's detractors were far more vocal than Hogan's during their respective peaks. For years, whichever arena Cena entered would erupt into duelling chants of "Let's go Cena!" and "Cena sucks!", to the point WWE even started selling shirts with the chant emblazoned on them.
Yet while Hogan's reputation has only worsened over time, Cena's has soared.
Unlike Hogan, Cena hasn't been afraid to give back to the industry that made him a household name. Since becoming a part-timer, Cena has used his appearances to put over the current crop of talent, rather than let his ego run wild over the roster. Fans have recognized his selflessness to the extent that, when he declared his intention to win the Royal Rumble, they cheered wildly - unthinkable scenes even a few years ago.
Combined with growing awareness of his astonishing charity work, it's never been easier to root for John Cena - a real American hero.