10 Wrestlers The Fans Did A Complete 180 On
8. Saraya

As the previous entry showed, there's not always a clear-cut reason for fans deciding to turn their back on a former favourite. That certainly isn't the case here, as Saraya's AEW run is a textbook example of how to inadvertently turn cheers into boos.
Saraya's comeback into wrestling should have been one of the biggest feel-good moments in the history of AEW. Having been sidelined with a serious neck injury in the WWE and being told she'd likely never wrestle again, Saraya's return to the squared circle should have been a moment of pure, genuine triumph that left fans beaming with happiness for her.
And that's exactly what happened...until she opened her mouth. Inexplicably, Saraya decided to denounce AEW's locker room as a bunch of scrubs who'd been scraping by and just waiting for a big-time superstar like her to come along and show them how things are done. As introductions go, it was reminiscent of Leeds United manager Brian Clough walking into his team's locker room for the first time and telling his new players to throw away all their old medals because they'd won them by cheating.
Clough lasted 44 days as Leeds' manager. And while Saraya's AEW tenure has lasted a fair bit longer, she's never become the fan-favourite she could have been had she been a tad more gracious to her peers.