10 Wrestlers The Fans Did A Complete 180 On

7. Lita

Forbidden Door 2024 Britt Baker

It's often said that great wrestling angles mix in real-life issues. And while that can be true (just check out Cody and Punk's latest promo masterclass for an example), sometimes the blending of fiction and reality becomes uncomfortable.

Case in point: The Matt Hardy/Edge/Lita debacle.

To be fair, once the aforementioned trio's dirty laundry became public (Lita cheated on Matt with Edge, and if you didn't know that - hi mum! Hope you're enjoying the article!), WWE were basically forced into making it a storyline. Where it became uncomfortable was in how the audience treated the cheating couple.

While Edge earned a good amount of heat for his actions, the abuse WWE fans directed at Lita felt wildly disproportionate. Even during her final match, fans were vitriolic in their abuse to the former golden girl of the women's division - an attitude WWE went out of their way to encourage, as seen by the vile send-off they gave the former champion.

Fortunately, time worked its magic and Lita now receives the respect her career earned her. Fans cheered her on during her subsequent comebacks, and she was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2014 and given her props by Stone Cold Steve Austin on the latter's official WWE podcast.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.