10 Wrestlers The Fans Did A Complete 180 On
4. Baron Corbin

If you had to choose one word to define Baron Corbin's stay in WWE, "tumultuous" would be an appropriate choice.
Corbin travelled through a lot of peaks and valleys during his 12 year stay with the company. The 6'8'' wrestler soon found himself catapaulted into the upper-card, causing no small resentment from fans. At the time of his heyday, Corbin simply wasn't at the level needed to justify his position in the company - he certainly wasn't the right choice to retire a generational superstar like Kurt Angle, yet that's exactly what happened in their frankly awful match at WrestleMania 35.
WWE eventually picked up on the fans' backlash, leading to "Bum Ass Corbin" - a hapless, down on his luck sadsack who became the punchline for every joke. Such was Corbin's skill at playing the role, fans began cheering for the downbeat loser, leading to WWE abandoning the character for becoming too popular (a surprisingly common risk in wrestling).
Naturally, fans went back to hating Corbin again, resulting in his demotion to NXT. However, Corbin maximized his minutes in the lesser brand, forming a genuinely excellent tag team with Bron Breakker and getting himself over once again. Bafflingly, WWE chose to reward Corbin's exemplary efforts by taking him off air for a year, then letting him go once his contract ran out.
Like the intro said - "Tumultuous".