10 Wrestlers The Fans Did A Complete 180 On

3. Britt Baker

Forbidden Door 2024 Britt Baker

The above photo sees Britt helpfully illustrating her career trajectory since 2022.

There is a fascinating documentary to be made about the rise and fall of Britt Baker. In 2021, dentist-turned-wrestler Britt Baker was one of AEW's biggest success stories. After debuting as a bland babyface, Baker's transformation into the egomaniacal, ironically-named "Role Model" turned her into one of the most popular characters in all of wrestling, with audiences cheering wildly whenever the letters "D.M.D" appeared on-screen. After winning the AEW Women's Championship and entering a feud with the highly acclaimed Thunder Rosa, Britt Baker appeared set for a generational run.

Unfortunately, it was at this point the D.M.D. began leaving a sour taste in people's mouths (sorry, couldn't resist). News began to leak of Baker and Rosa's real-life animosity, leaving fans focusing more on what was going on behind the scenes than what was happening on-screen. Not only that, injuries - and the rising popularity of Baker's sidekick, Jamie Hayter - saw Baker falling down the card.

Since then, Baker has done little to quell fans' criticism of her. Her in-ring work, never her strongest point, has deteriorated notably, and her conduct on and off-screen has been questionable to say the least. From shrieking "Nobody cares!" at Serena Deeb, killing their feud before it started, to being removed from television over an altercation with MJF, the narrative currently surrounding Baker is one of a star who let the fame get to her head and became a monster as a result.

If Baker's time in AEW is at an end, it will be a sad conclusion for a wrestler who once looked to be the future of the company.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.