10 Wrestlers The Undertaker Should Have Faced At WrestleMania

8. WrestleMania 13 - Vader

WrestleMania 13 will not go down as one of the greats. In fact, when you look at the show, if it didn't have the classic Bret Hart versus Steve Austin submission match on there it would probably place in the five worst 'Manias of all time. The show, the only one in WrestleMania history not to sell out the arena it was playing in, was a stinker. Worst of all was the main event, pitting The Undertaker against the incredibly limited Psycho Sid. At times it looked like the two big men were moving in slow-motion and, following the intensity and excitement of Austin/Hart, this was downright insulting in comparison. Believe it or not, the WWF booked it to go twenty whole minutes. The only notable thing about it was that Sid apparently pooped his pants during the finish. The company could have done The Undertaker a service by putting him in with a big man who could actually work, like Vader. The Mastodon teamed with Mankind to take on the team of Owen Hart and The British Bulldog in a disappointing match on the undercard. Although Vader had been sliding down the card since his SummerSlam 1996 main event with Shawn Michaels, he could easily be rebuilt in order to challenge The Undertaker. Vader and The Undertaker had a great match a few months later at Canadian Stampede, but it would have been much better on a big stage like WrestleMania.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...