10 Wrestlers Who Actually Asked To Drop The Title!

5. Bruno Sammartino - WWWF World Heavyweight Championship

Bruno Sammartino Vince McMahon Sr

Bruno Sammartino’s longest single reign as World Champion at 2803 days will be a record never broken in WWF/E. It would have lasted longer too had not Bruno personally asked Vince McMahon Sr. for some time away from the pro wrestling circus.

Bruno has said of his reign:

“It had been eight long years as champion, and my schedule had been so hectic, you just couldn’t believe it. I travelled overseas a lot to Japan and Australia – you name it, I went everywhere. I was so beat in so many ways; I was never one to even take an aspirin. I worked in pain. I was just so exhausted.”

So on 18th January, 1971 fans were extraordinarily shocked when Ivan Koloff beat him for the Championship. The reaction in the crowd was said to have been similar to when Brock Lesnar beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30 to break The Streak. It was something you would never thought you would witness in your lifetime, Bruno losing.

McMahon a year later asked Bruno to regain the title, with Bruno only agreeing under the condition of more money and a lighter schedule. His second reign only came to a stop too because of nagging injuries, with Bruno asking to be removed from the title picture once again.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.