10 Wrestlers Who Almost Died In The Ring

3. Mick Foley

The Undertaker Mankind Hell In A Cell

Every wrestling fan has at least heard of the infamous bumps Mick Foley sustained at the 1998 King Of The Ring. Working with The Undertaker in just the third ever Hell In A Cell match, Foley upped the level of violence and danger fans could expect to see from the match type going forward. The fact he was walking upright afterwards is astonishing.

Firstly, Mick fell from atop the Cell through a nearby announce table. Later, he was chokeslammed through the roof of the structure, splatting nastily on the ring canvas below. This bump prompted Jerry Lawler on commentary to say, "that's it, he's dead", and although the line was for dramatic effect, there were genuine worries for Foley's well-being.

So monumental were Foley's bumps that WWF doctors and even Vince McMahon himself jogged down the aisle to make sure he was alright. Those falls were influential, but Mick almost paid the ultimate price for them.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.