10 Wrestlers Who Are DYING For Something New

7. The Final Testament

Andrade WWE

Two months.

That's how long Karrion Kross' faction have been feuding with The New Day. Two months of bland promos, heatless beatdowns and matches that fail to generate a noise level above what you'd expect from a particularly dull cricket match. Two months in which fans have been expected to believe that Karrion Kross - a man who's lost every feud he's been involved in on the main roster -  is the biggest threat to one of the most successful tag teams in wrestling history.  Two months of WWE insulting the audience's intelligence by insinuating that The Final Testament are in any way a threat to Kofi Kingston and Xavier Wood's partnership.

Watching Karrion Kross and Ko. repeatedly throw themselves at the New Day has been like watching a random collection of stormtroopers convince themselves that they'll be the ones to take down Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. They're not fooling anyone except themselves, and WWE are doing the group no favours by having them punch above their weight for this long, to so little reaction.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.