10 Wrestlers Who Are Wasted In WWE

2. Shorty G

Shorty G entrance

When Sheamus returned and started a feud with Shorty G, it was hoped that the pair would have some ridiculously good matches and maybe, just maybe, show WWE what Chad Gable can do. The thing is, they know what he can do already. That hasn't stopped them from dressing him up like a dork from Saved By The Bell.

Who picked that outfit and thought, 'Yeah, that'll get him over'?

Gable is a former Olympian who can wrestle rings around most on the roster. Somehow, when they should be focusing on his athleticism, WWE are preoccupied with the fact that 'Shorty' isn't the same height as Big Show. His preposterous claims to have dealt with his lack of size (like it's a handicap in life) are worsened upon realising he's roughly the same height as some taking the p*ss out of him.

Shorty G should be having mouth-watering, chain-wrestling-infused clashes with guys like Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and Daniel Bryan. He isn't. Nah, apparently looking like a Space Jam cosplayer is preferable booking for WWE.

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