10 Wrestlers Who Are Wasted In WWE

3. Cesaro

Cesaro WWE

So does his on/off tag partner Cesaro.

The Swiss strongman has been fighting a losing battle ever since Vince McMahon made those cursed "brass ring" comments on Steve Austin's podcast years ago. Things were briefly remedied by putting him in an excellent tag-team with Sheamus, and yet here he is – Cesaro is right back where he started.

Though he's not the greatest talker out there, Cesaro's in-ring skills should offset that. When he's left to his own devices between the ropes, he's a quite remarkable worker (watch his matches with Aleister Black at Extreme Rules 2019, or the cracker he had with Ilja Dragunov at NXT UK TakeOver: Cardiff) who can adapt well to anyone's style.

WWE don't appreciate what Cesaro brings to the table, and that's sad. At 39, his best years are behind him now, so it'd be nice to see the he who's doomed never to get that top singles run under Vinnie Mac break out and get one somewhere else.

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