10 Wrestlers Who Beat Goldberg
9. Scott Hall - Nitro 1999
It's really not all that surprising that WCW's pay-per-view numbers began to suffer when they were giving away stuff like this - a four-way US Title ladder match between Goldberg, Bret Hart, Scott Hall and Sid Vicious - on Nitro for free.
Goldberg, who was looking to win back the belt he lost to Bret Hart a few weeks earlier, would probably have been the favourite here, were it not for the fact that Kevin Nash, Scott Hall's BFF, was installed as special referee.
Given that there are no disqualifications, and there's no occasion for anyone to count a pin attempt, you're probably wondering why a ladder match actually needs a referee, let alone a special one. The answer to that is Vince Russo. It's probably best if you don't ask any follow-up questions.
The Hitman actually retrieved the belt first, but he was then knocked out on his way down by Big Sexy, who held it above the ladder with one of his long arms so that Hall could climb up and claim victory. A miscarriage of justice that only strengthens the case for the implementation of video replays in the world of professional wrestling.