10 Wrestlers Who Brought WWE Careers Back From The DEAD

9. Dolph Ziggler

LA Knight Halloween

OK, so Nick Nemeth went from being kayfabe placed in a giant box and shipped back off to WWE developmental by Triple H and Shawn Michaels to one of the promotion's most tenured stars. Dolph Ziggler might've been one of the daftest names ever, but it guaranteed excellence at several points during Dolph's lengthy run.

That ride is over now, but Ziggler can look back on countless highs. He won World Titles, formed a few cracking teams, had one of the most overlooked feuds of the past decade vs. The Miz on SmackDown, and generally tore it up during matches against all comers.

Not bad for Nicky from the f'n Spirit Squad, eh?

That gimmick had a shelf life, and WWE shoved it to one side once they'd had their fun. Nemeth looked doomed, but showcased his skills by taking the admittedly-limited Ziggler character and turning it into something special. Not many behind the scenes in 2008 could've predicted that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.