10 Wrestlers Who Brought WWE Careers Back From The DEAD

8. Kane

LA Knight Halloween

An awful lot of people working for the WWF in late-1997 probs thought Glenn Jacobs would don the Kane mask for one match vs. The Undertaker then get repackaged for the millionth time. Not so fast. Jacobs, to his immense credit, piggy-backed on 'Taker's gimmick to carve out his own slice of WWE history.

There were no guarantees that such a cartoonish battle of brothers would work. The Undertaker had faced countless monsters, and most of them tanked. Would Kane be any different? Well, yes, but only because Glenn was so damn good at playing the role. He made the supposedly-temp gimmick something more than it had any right to be going in.

Kane was a reprieve for Jacobs too, because he'd suffered in woeful roles like Isaac Yankem D.D.S (an evil dentist) and a cosplay version of Kevin Nash's Diesel for years. Most would've been forgiven for thinking Kane was the next bust, but it rapidly turned into one of the fed's most cherished characters.

Unreal work.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.