10 Wrestlers Who Could End Up In Donald Trump's White House Cabinet

5. Secretary Of Education - Dean Douglas

Shane Douglas had all the momentum in the world, then WWF turned him into Dean Douglas

Donald Trump is just the kind of madman who would list 1995 amongst his favourite WWF years so will no doubt be familiar with Douglas’s short run as a college dean.

This appointment might work well. I’ve seen the former IC champ take notes on a wrestling match so clearly he is far more organised and well prepared for a high-ranking government position than the President elect.

Having appeared in Wrestlers vs Zombies alongside some of the worst actors imaginable the Franchise will be used to working with incompetent people, an experience which may well come in handy.

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'Rasslin fan at heart, speaking of hearts is your on your left? Yeah mines on my right... weird huh. Big love for films, from the weird to the wonderful. Also many, many TV series and my main Sports viewing is Formula One... It's Fast, its Furious and no pizza boys to move along.