10 Wrestlers Who Could End Up In Donald Trump's White House Cabinet

4. Co-Secretaries Of Veteran Affairs - Shawn Michaels & Triple H

shawn michaels triple h

Sgt Slaughter is the current favourite for this post but Trump will once again confound the political commentators when he puts D-Generation X in the cabinet.

The Apprentice frontman hit the headlines when he made outrageous comments about John McCain’s war record and he will expect Hunter and HBK to dish out more of the same.

The Donald will ask the pair to relive DX’s early days and give the nation’s war heroes the same treatment they gave the Sarge 20 years ago, face masks equipped with windshield wipers and all.

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Donald Trump
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'Rasslin fan at heart, speaking of hearts is your on your left? Yeah mines on my right... weird huh. Big love for films, from the weird to the wonderful. Also many, many TV series and my main Sports viewing is Formula One... It's Fast, its Furious and no pizza boys to move along.