10 Wrestlers Who Could No Longer Perform Their Finisher

1. Triple H

Jeff Hardy swanton

In a parallel universe somewhere, Triple H is the master of the Diamond Cutter, not Dallas Page. Sounds bonkers, but when Hunter Hearst Helmsley first injected his regal blue blood into a WWE ring in the mid-90’s, he didn’t use his customary Pedigree finishing move, but rather a variation of the aforementioned cutter.

What was Triple H’s version of DDP’s iconic finish called you ask? Well, apparently it was known as the Pedigree Pandemonium which has money written all over it. Right? Right? In fact, it sounds more like the name of a PPV for some high-class fight club than the name of a devastating finisher.

Speaking on Backstage in 2019, Hunter revealed that he was never really a fan of the cutter, so when his old pal Dallas contacted him asking him to consider using something else instead, the so-called King of Kings was only too happy to oblige.

Page explained on Twitter: “HHH didn’t have to stop using the move, but I asked him as a favour would he mind not using the Diamond Cutter as his finisher and he said no problem bro, which speaks volumes for Paul’s character. He’s a close friend and a class act.”

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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.