10 Wrestlers Who Could No Longer Perform Their Finisher

4. Chris Jericho

Jeff Hardy swanton

When someone has reinvented themselves as much as Chris Jericho has, it doesn’t come as a huge surprise when they decide to change up their signature moves. This particular change came about when the former Y2J began using the Codebreaker instead of the Lionsault, a move that had largely replaced the Lion Tamer as his go-to finish.

At face value, it’s not difficult to see why Jericho might stop using the Lionsault as he grew older. The impact the move had on his knees alone would surely cut his career short, if not end his high-flying antics prematurely. But the real reason for the switch is actually much darker.

During a match for FMW’s World Entertainment Wrestling 6-man Tag Team Championship, legendary competitor Hayabusa attempted to mimic Jericho’s famed springboard moonsault on opponent Mammoth Sasaki. But after he mistimed his leap, Hayabusa crashed down hard seriously injuring himself and ultimately ending up paralyzed as a result.

Seeing the potential for serious injury, Chris and WWE came to the agreement that perhaps it was time to retire the move, and switch to something with much less potential for danger. Opting for the Codebreaker helped to not only prolong Jericho’s tenure but also no doubt prevented some other uncomfortable knee issues later down the line.

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