10 Wrestlers Who Could No Longer Perform Their Finisher

3. Apollo Crews

Jeff Hardy swanton

Unlike a lot of people on this list, Apollo Crews was not forced to change his finish because he was perceived to be using someone else’s hold, or because of the potential for serious injury to himself or his opponent, but instead to give him a much-needed boost in the eyes of the WWE Universe.

After originally debuting in NXT, the former student of Mr. Hughes, finished his opponents with a sexy looking combination of a Gorilla Slam followed by a backflip into a splash. The move was flashy, impactful and unlike anything else being used on either NXT or the main roster. For Triple h though, it simply wasn’t the right choice for Crews’ character.

While wrestling for Dragon Gate USA, Crews – who went under the moniker Uhaa Nation – was known for his agility and in-ring ability as much as he was known for his power. During his transition to WWE though, the top brass felt more emphasis needed to be put on his power game, given the impressive aura Crews gave off when competing. Instead, Triple H ordered Crews to use a spin-out powerbomb, something he felt was much more befitting of his look and is definitely more in keeping with his current heel persona.

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Jeff Hardy
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