10 Wrestlers Who Could Win Their First World Title In 2022

8. Doudrop

Riddle WWE Title

This entry is full of bias, but so what?

Yours truly got to watch Doudrop blossom as Viper on the UK indy scene pre-WWE. Then, when she reached NXT UK, he enjoyed her work as Piper Niven. The truth is this though: WWE fans have barely witnessed 10% of what the Scot has to offer.

Doudrop puts out such a positive image on social media, and the world needs more of that. She's clearly proud of herself without being too over-the-top or arrogant, and that should be encouraged. Between the ropes, she's one of the best - Piper is capable of leading others through matches, and she isn't shy about bumping or selling it if benefits the situation.

That's a good quality to have in a champion, because it brings challengers up to her level. Hopefully, Doudrop gets to expose more of her wonderful zest for life on WWE TV and bags the Raw Women's Title next year.

She deserves it.

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Matt Riddle
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.