10 Wrestlers Who Couldn't Hide Their Anger At A REAL Insult
1. Triple H

While this author page often doubles as a Bret Hart fan club - because he really was the best, he wasn't below the worst of the industry in the late 1990s.
Frankly, his homophobia at the time was disgusting. So what if Shawn Michaels appeared in magazines targeted at gay people? Michaels wasn't gay, but so what if he was?
In 1997, of course, Bret and Shawn were locked into a vicious personal battle that defined the very future of the industry. Vince McMahon knew where the heat was, and encouraged both men to call one another worse than sh*t every week in unscripted promo battles. This drove some compelling television, some ugly television, and a state of affairs so untenable that Vince had to pick between the two.
As this intensified, things got very toxic, but it was actually an exchange between Bret and Triple H that gets the nod here. When Bret said in October that he knew what the 'H' in Triple H stood for - an awful slur, as you may have guessed - he thought he was being really clever.
Anger can surface in different ways. People can feel it literally, but it can also manifest as sarcasm. It can also make people flustered even if they are intent on not showing it, as was the case with Triple H. He could not have grabbed the microphone more quickly to deny the accusation, wearing that very telling "HAHA YOU THINK I'M BOTHERED BY THAT?!" smile.
That wasn't even a 4/10 insult, Hitman.