10 Wrestlers Who Couldn't Stand Being Hated

8. Roman Reigns

Ronda Rousey Boo

One has to feel for Roman Reigns.

Sure, he's bossing it as the Teflon 'Tribal Chief' nowadays, but things weren't always so grand for the ex-Shield brute. Between 2015-2018, Roman was roundly despised by approx 90% of fans who attended WWE events. Boos rained down on him whenever he stepped out for a match or segment.

Critics pointed the finger of blame at McMahon's doorstep more than Reigns himself. The wrestler was being shoved down everyone's throats, and that just wouldn't do. There's no way Roman lived this experience with a constant smile; he might've been grinning on TV, but the incessant negativity had to burn.

Reigns was tasked with carrying the torch for Vince's bullsh*t babyface hero trope. That can work, but not when it's so forced. It was surely agony for Roman to go out there every night and know nothing he did was ever going to be good enough for a crowd that had long-since judged him.

He must be loving this current heel run. That's being "hated" for the erm...right reasons.

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Ronda Rousey
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