10 Wrestlers Who Couldn't Stand Being Hated

7. Seth Rollins

Ronda Rousey Boo

Poor Seth Rollins went from workhorse hero to Roman Reigns 2.0 in 2019, and few could've claimed to see it coming. Duff feuds vs. Baron Corbin and Braun Strowman set the scene for a run opposite Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' that accidentally killed babyface Seth off.

Fans rightly booed the crap out of a stoppage at Hell In A Cell, then WWE had Rollins scamper to get them back onside by doubling down on a defiant, "I’m out here every single week putting the whole company on my back" war cry. It...didn't work, and neither did describing Wyatt's alter ego as a "new flavour of ice cream".

The bloom was very much off Seth's babyface rose.

He'd earned big cheers for standing up to Brock Lesnar earlier in the year, but it was clear to everyone watching WWE telly that they couldn't follow up on that. Meanwhile, Rollins was having a hard time adjusting and randomly turned into a braggart on social media as well.

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Ronda Rousey
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