10 Wrestlers Who Deserve More Respect

5. Erick Rowan

Erick Rowan

What People Say: Vince McMahon's traditional obsession with physical size is the only reason why big Erick Rowan was handed a push once WWE believed his bodyguard gig with Daniel Bryan had run its course. He's only useful as part of a tag-team too, and even then doesn't fully convince in-ring.

Why He Deserves Respect: Rowan has never claimed to anyone that he's the next coming of The Rock on the mic, or that he could wrestle rings around AJ Styles between the ropes. The workmanlike fashion he's gone about everything from Wyatt Family and Bludgeon Bros. to bodyguard and attempted murderer is admirable.

Besides, Erick's rambling promos were one of the highlights of that sorry Reigns fiasco, and he more than held his own at Clash Of Champions in a lengthy No DQ brawl with Roman. If anything, Rowan has done better than most fans probably predicted when it became clear he and Bryan were done as a duo.

Now, he can resume his underrated tag work with Luke Harper as a better worker than he was before.

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Baron Corbin
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