10 Wrestlers Who Deserve More Respect

4. Lacey Evans

lacey evans raw

What People Say: WWE's resident 'Sassy Southern Belle' didn't personally do enough to justify her lofty positioning opposite the super-over Becky Lynch earlier this year. She needs to be led through matches more than most, holds more experienced talents back and hasn't improved since her NXT days.

Why She Deserves Respect: WWE called Lacey Evans up from NXT. She didn't force her way into plans, and she hasn't been quite as dreadful as some on social media might claim.

Yes, Evans has looked a bit tentative and out of her depth at times against Natalya and Becky Lynch, but everybody has to learn. The same folks slinging sh*t at Lacey today should do some homework on Becky's own iffy, unsure performances in 2015 or Nattie's humble beginnings in 2008.

Neither of those were world class then, so there's hope for Evans. She's also damn good on the mic, showed signs of improvement in that 'Last Woman Standing' war on Raw recently and only needs time to get things right. That's not much to ask for.

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Baron Corbin
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.