10 Wrestlers Who Didn’t Deserve To Be On WWE PPV Posters

4. Santino Marella – Royal Rumble (2012)

santino marella

WWE has had fun with posters and trailers in the past in the lead up to its fan-favourite Royal Rumble event every January. The 2008 Royal Rumble promo had its Superstars battling it out on a crowded New York subway and its 2005 event had its wrestlers facing off in a West Side Story musical. But for its 2012 PPV WWE went sickeningly too far with its poster which consisted of its comic relief Santino Marella in a genie costume, that looked like it came from your local pantomime, overlooking a crystal ball of Santino doing his trumpet celebration in the middle of the ring.

Santino doing his best Arabian folklore doesn’t entice anyone to shell out their money to buy a major PPV. WWE could have at least put some of its main event talent in the crystal ball fighting away in the hope of winning the Rumble but instead we got The Italian Stallion’s trumpet dance.

WWE surely could have had the returning Chris Jericho on the poster, as fans clamoured for his return to the ring. Thankfully this was the only poster Santino was at the centre of for WWE. The only worse thing WWE could have done was put ‘People Power’ John Laurinaitis on the cover.

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