10 Wrestlers Who Didn’t Deserve To Be On WWE PPV Posters

5. Wade Barrett – Survivor Series (2010)

Survivor Series 2010

Even in his NXT days it was easy to see Wade Barrett had strong potential. WWE pushed his potential to the limit in 2010, with him headlining five pay per views that year. As leader of The Nexus, full of other NXT rookies trying to make names for themselves on WWE’s main roster, Wade got a giant push.

A cocky Barrett threateningly rubbing his hands together with his Nexus shirt on full display was the selling point for Survivor Series’ poster that year. But it was too little, too late. By the time Survivor Series rolled around, even with Barrett headlining in a WWE Championship match against Randy Orton with big stakes up for grabs, The Nexus weren’t getting over with the WWE Universe. Nexus had already lost four members at that point in Daniel Bryan, Darren Young, Skip Sheffield and Michael Tarver.

Producer Arn Anderson said on his podcast ARN that Nexus were buried months before Survivor Series when they lost to Team WWE at SummerSlam, so ultimately fans never connected with Wade’s pursuit of the WWE title. Soon after The Nexus imploded with ‘The New Nexus’ and spinoff ‘The Corre’ being born in convoluted angles, each having even less success than the original Nexus.

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Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.