10 Wrestlers Who Didn't Know When To Quit

7. The Outsiders

The Undertaker Quit

When The Outsiders arrived in World Championship Wrestling as invaders from WWE, the world of wrestling changed forever.

Scott Hall got there first, then Kevin Nash looked at the adjective and came with him. Hulk Hogan formed the New World Order with the pair, but this isn't about Hollywood... it isn't even about WCW. Hall and Nash were so important to Dubyah-See-Dubyah, but their decline as the brand went out of business was symptomatic of bigger problems at the wrasslin' company.

No, this entry is about how they bounced around the world of wrestling for the next 20 years without any real purpose.

Their run in WWE as the watered down nWo was a bust; Hall got fired and Nash got injured. So, where would they go next?

Old nWo 2000 stable mate Jeff Jarrett gave them a call and before long The Outsiders were in TNA. They stood out as soon as they arrived, but for all the wrong reasons. TNA was a place where young grapplers like AJ Styles, Eric Young, and Samoa Joe were cutting their teeth in the wrestling world. Nobody wanted to see Hall and Nash, two stars who were well past their sell-by dates, taking on the new stars.

None of the matches they had made any impact (pun not intended), they just reminded people of the last days of WCW.

These two were legends in the 1990s, but they should've call it quits when the nWo reunion in WWE didn't work.

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When I'm not trying my hardest to visit all 50 U.S. states, I'm listening to music from the 80s, watching TV from the 90s, and reminiscing about growing up in the 00s. I'm currently living in Melbourne, Australia so WWE premium live events are on Sunday afternoons for me; the absolute dream.