10 Wrestlers Who FORGOT What They Were Supposed To Do

4. Vickie Guerrero Forgets To Push The Ladder Over

Jeff Rico

At SummerSlam 2005, Rey Mysterio was battling Eddie Guerrero for the legal custody of Dominik, who was raised by Rey as his child, but was actually Eddie's biological son. It's all very confusing and there's no time to get into it now.

One of the match's biggest moments was when Eddie's wife Vickie came down to the ring. Seeing that her spouse had gone too far, Vickie pushed Eddie's ladder over just as he was reaching for the custody papers, sending him crashing to the ground and allowing Rey to win his son back.

This was a fantastic spot and the emotional highpoint of an already stirring feud. Same that it should have happened about five minutes earlier.

Vickie famously missed her spot in the match, forcing Eddie and Rey to improvise and leading to the all-time classic "Where the F- was Vickie?" rant from Guerrero.

The missed spot and Latino Heat's outburst afterwards have gone down in wrestling folklore as one of the biggest and funniest botches of all time. But at least it didn't happen in the main event of WrestleMania.

More on that later...


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.