10 Wrestlers Who Gained Nothing By Being WWE World Champion

8. Big Show

Big Show Wwe Title

Which Belt: WWF Title.

Why They Gained Nothing: Fans of the time may never forget the absurd image of Big Show riding along on his father's casket after Big Boss Man crashed the funeral. It was Attitude era nonsense at its worst, and it resulted in a three-minute calamity at Armageddon 1999 for the WWF Title. Suddenly, the belt felt secondary.

It shouldn't have, and neither should the giant's first year in the company.

Years later, Show would rectify his World Title dreams by holding the World Heavyweight Championship several times and having solid matches with everyone from Daniel Bryan to Mark Henry. That wasn't the case during his frankly bogus 50-day run between Survivor Series '99 and the 3 January 2000 Raw.

Show's first reign sucked, barely registered interest and left him scrambling for relevancy on a packed roster full of stars. This was a bumbling attempt to make Show into a sympathetic babyface, which was hardly the best course for a seven-foot monster anyway.

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