10 Wrestlers Who Gained Nothing By Being WWE World Champion

6. Kane

Kane WWF Champion

Which Belt: WWF Title.

Why They Gained Nothing: Kane was one of those characters who didn't require a title to get over with fans, at least not during his first few years in the promotion. He was The Undertaker's storyline brother, a red and black masked nightmare who dripped intensity. Truth be told, he looked preposterous with the WWF Title draped over his shoulder.

Oh well, it didn't last long.

One night after shockingly beating Steve Austin to become the new titleholder at King Of The Ring 1998, Kane was putting 'Stone Cold' over on Raw. This felt like a slight mistake at the time, and 21 years of reflection haven't eased the pain. There was no need for Kane to interrupt Austin's first reign or hold the belt for 24 hours.

The only thing creative achieved here was threatening to upset the era of Austin and, unfortunately, humanising Kane as someone others not-name 'Taker could beat. Looking back, it would've been best had they not booked the match at all.

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