10 Wrestlers Who Got TERRIBLE Advice From WWE

9. Rusev Should Ignore The Writers

Goldberg Goldust Wig

Here's another McMahon pearler.

It's also another story from Chris Jericho's pod. On it, AEW's Miro recalled giving Angel Garza a pasting because the handsome devil had gone against a script the then-Rusev had been told. Garza wasn't wrong though; nobody had told Ru that Angel would stay in-ring after winning with a quick roll-up rather than scampering to safety.

That incensed Miro, so he gave Garza a kicking and tossed him out of the ring. Backstage, Vince told Rusev that the writers were "trying to bury [him] out there". The ticked-off Bulgarian, realising that nothing happened without McMahon's say-so, looked quizzically at his boss.

His puzzled looked worsened when Vince then told him to continue being aggressive no matter what the script called for. Why would Rusev do that when McMahon had clearly helped write the thing in the first place? It was all so counter-productive, and it hinted at some schism between boss and creative that he knew didn't exist.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.