10 Wrestlers Who Had Their Best Runs In WWE

3. Sycho Sid

Damien Sandow

Sid's short but spectacular second run in the WWE is a textbook example of how far sheer intensity can get you.

Sid's career outside the WWE is best remembered for his extracurricular exploits. Whether he was threatening Brain Pillman with a squeegee of stabbing Arn Anderson to near-death with a pair of scissors, Sid's actions outside the ring definitely overshadowed what he did in the squared circle. This was compounded by his infamously terrible workrate, which did not improve when he jumped ship from WCW to the then-WWF. Not for nothing did Shawn Michaels describe him as “the biggest piece of luggage in the WWF,” verbalizing his frustration at having to carry Sid to an acceptable match.

But despite all this, Sycho Sid got over huge with the audience. Just listen to this reaction from his Survivor Series match against Michaels. Despite being the heel, there's no doubt the crowd wanted him to unseat the babyface champion (which might explain Shawn's animosity towards the man). Sid had “IT” in towering, skyscraper-sized letters and it propelled him all the way to the biggest belt in wrestling. Yes, his time as champion didn't last long but for a wrestler as limited as Sid, just getting his hands on the title was a victory in itself.

Not bad for a man with only half a brain.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.