10 Wrestlers Who Had Their Best Runs In WWE

4. AJ Styles

Damien Sandow

AJ Styles is arguably the biggest proof that a wrestler can have a great career both in and out of the WWE.

Styles' ten year run in TNA was littered with gold and 5-star matches (including arguably the greatest triple threat match of all time), and his two-year stint in NJPW saw him capture the IWGP Heavyweight Championship and head up the Bullet Club when they were the hottest thing in wrestling. Even if Styles had never come to WWE, he would rightly be recognised as one of the all-time greats.

Yet AJ has furthered his GOAT credentials by climbing peaks few thought he was capable of in McMahon-land. It would have been a very optimistic pundit who claimed the Phenomenal One would ever be WWE champion – it would have taken Nostradamus to predict that he'd win the title twice, and that his second reign would last for over a year. After Jinder Mahal's spectacularly ill-judged title reign the WWE knew they needed a strong champion to wash away the stain on the belt's legacy, and the fact they chose AJ Styles is testament to the regard he's held in by both the fans and the office.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.